Friday, 13 February 2009

What is a British Film?

Task 1:
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) awards, sometimes referred to as the British Oscars, have an Outstanding British Film category. Go to their current Film Awards page and list the titles of the films that were nominated for this award, as well as the winner.

Task 2:
In a group, choose one of these films to research and discover what you think made them eligible for the British film award nomination. You should consider:

  1. Story and plot: What is the film about? Does it relate to British subject matter?
  2. Actors: What nationality? Are stars used in the film?
  3. Director: Who is the director of the film? What nationality are they? Do you know any other films that they have directed?
  4. Style: How would you characterise the style of the film?
  5. Genre: Does it belong to a specific genre? If so which? Does it remind you of any other films?
  6. Production company: Who financed the film? Where is the production company based? Is it a co-production from different countries? Did any of the films receive funding from the Film Council?
  7. Distribution: Who promoted the film? Where and how was it promoted?
  8. Exhibition: When was it released? What kind of release strategy did it have, how many prints were available? What was the competition?

Use the following sites to help you: IMDB , ScreenOnline , the UK Film Council , plus the specific sites for the films themselves.

If possible, find a clip of the film on Youtube and add it to the blog.

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